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Version: 1.3-beta


Collect log information from request gateways and output it to an HTTP server to facilitate further operations such as log analysis.


The HTTP log plugin sends node access logs to HTTP service interfaces via HTTP requests and has the following features:

  • Supports various request methods including POST, PUT, PATCH
  • Supports custom request headers
  • Supports different log output format types
  • Supports custom log formatting configuration

Operation Demonstration​

Creating a New HTTP Log Configuration​

  1. Click System Settings -> Logs -> HTTP Logs, then click Add HTTP Log.

  1. Fill out the HTTP log configuration and click Confirm once completed.

Configuration Description:

Field NameDescription
Request MethodThe request method used when accessing the HTTP service interface. Currently supports POST, PUT, PATCH
URLThe complete request path to the HTTP service interface
Request HeaderThe header information for the request. This can include necessary parameters for accessing the HTTP service, such as authentication details. This information should be filled in using JSON format data in a key-value format, e.g., {"from":"apinto"}
Output FormatThe format of the log output, supporting single-line and JSON format outputs
Formatting ConfigurationTemplate for output format, configuration tutorial click here to navigate

Formatting Configuration Example

"fields": [
"request": [
"proxy": [
"response": [
"status_code": [
"time": [


  1. Click the Deploy button next to the configuration you wish to deploy.