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Version: Canary ๐Ÿšง

File Logging

Collect and output log information from the request gateway into files for developers to review.


File Logging: Outputs request information to log files with the following features:

  • Customize the directory and file name for storage
  • Split log files periodically to avoid large files that are hard to view
  • Scheduled deletion of expired files to reduce hard drive space usage

Operation Demonstrationโ€‹

Create a New File Log Configurationโ€‹

  1. Click System Settings -> Operations and Integration -> Logs -> File Logs on the left navigation bar, then click Add File Log.

  1. Fill in the File Log Configuration

Configuration Explanation:

Field NameDescription
File NameThe stored file name, the actual stored name will have a .log suffix, i.e., {File Name}.log
Storage DirectoryThe directory where files are stored, supports relative and absolute paths
Log Splitting CycleCreate new log files periodically, old log files will be renamed, options: Hour, Day
Expiry TimeFile retention time, in days, files exceeding this will be deleted periodically
Output FormatFormat of output log content, supports Line, Json format
Formatting ConfigurationTemplate for output format, tutorial click here to navigate

File Lifecycle Demonstration


Formatting Configuration Example

"fields": [
"request": [
"proxy": [
"response": [
"status_code": [
"time": [

After filling it out, click Submit.

Go Liveโ€‹

  1. Click the Go Live button next to the configuration you want to launch.

Access the Interface and Print Log Outputโ€‹


  1. You have completed the service subscription process, and the service provider has approved the subscription request. If not, refer to the tutorial Subscribe to Service.

Access the subscribed interface. Here we demonstrate using Apikit's testing feature.


After access, enter the node directory and check the access log output information, as shown below
