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Version: Canary ๐Ÿšง



Routing is a navigation system that helps data travel from one place to another. In an API open platform, routing is used to determine how to send user requests to the correct service.

Main Functionsโ€‹

Request Forwarding:

  • Sends user requests to the correct service, similar to a mail carrier delivering letters to the correct address.

Load Balancing:

  • Distributes requests across multiple servers to prevent any single server from being overloaded, similar to assigning tasks to multiple employees to improve efficiency.

Path Matching:

  • Determines which service should handle a request based on the request's path. For example, sending a โ€œ/userโ€ request to the user service, and an โ€œ/orderโ€ request to the order service.

Security Management:

  • Restricts access through routing rules to ensure that only authorized users can access specific resources.

Service Discovery:

  • Dynamically finds and connects to available services, like a navigation system that updates route information in real-time.

Why Routing is Neededโ€‹

Simplifying Request Handling:

  • Routing automatically handles request forwarding, so developers do not need to write this part of the code manually.

Improving System Performance:

  • Routing helps distribute requests, ensuring smooth system operation without crashing due to server overload.

Enhancing Security:

  • Routing can restrict access, protecting the system from unauthorized access.

Flexibility and Scalability:

  • Routing allows the system to easily add or remove services without affecting overall operations.

Service Management:

  • Routing automatically handles the registration and updating of services, ensuring the system is always connected to the latest services.


Routing functions like an intelligent navigation system, helping user requests find the correct service. It not only simplifies development and management tasks but also ensures the system runs efficiently and securely.